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Q: What is the hourly rate for call outs?

A: Provided that you live around 10-15minutes of Kilmore, the callout fee is $90 including GST for the first hour then $60 an hour after that billed in 30 minute increments

Q: What is the rate for jobs done in the office?

A: $60 an hour, however quite often I will quote for complete jobs for client’s peace of mind.

Q: Do you fix Ipads or mobile phones?

A: It depends on the make and model, some models require special tools to do complex jobs which we may not have.

Q: Why can’t I find your location on a GPS?

A: Unfortunately, the street has had a recent name change and many of the GPS haven’t updated yet. Please use the map on the “contact us” part of the website for an exact location

Q: Can I have a quote for the repair work before I drop off the item?

A: A quote can normally be given for most repair work. If additional problems are found after the machine or device has been dropped off which would increase the cost of repair, we will call you to make sure that you are fine with the additional cost before proceeding.

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